Powerpoint Demo


The easiest way to share content is with a download link. Here’s a linked image to the Powerpoint PDF I created on the right. Just click and it downloads or displays in the browser, depending on browser type.


Another way to add content is to upload a Powerpoint to Slideshare.net. They automatically convert it and save it for you and it gives you another channel for people to find you.


If you convert the Powerpoint to a video, you can add some snappy narration like this below. And its YouTube so lots of traffic! And you can watch it fullscreen as well. Sweet.


This is an example of a Powerpoint show that was exported and saved as a series of HTML files. I created an iframe below and you can click through the pages. This is on your site, so no extra traffic. You have to make sure to output to proper size. This is actual size, so theres a bit of scrolling.